There is something afoot, can you feel it?  No, no… I don’t mean the insurrection that occurred on Wednesday and was viewed the world over.   Its the ground swell that caused it.  Last year many were challenged in manners they never thought they’d see in this lifetime.  When despair set in due to a global pandemic, many were driven to stillness.  That stillness activated our senses and while many were going hungry…our ears, eyes and mouths opened collectively, like they never had before.

What we are witnessing now is a demonstration of force meant to thrust us back into our own homes, our own lives and our own thoughts…But for one thing, there’s something about experiencing hunger.  Those that truly experience the pangs vow to never again return to the events, lives or situations that caused it.  While half of the country was experiencing the physical effects of hunger many others were experiencing it in a totally different way.  That hunger came from analyzing a life of mediocrity.   Mediocrity caused by saying yes when we didn’t mean it or as my mother would say, “Going along to get along”.  Many were on autopilot allowing our lives to be chauffeured with no resistance.

Last year, I said to many of us to hunker down and do the hard work of finding purpose.  Well, with the finding of purpose comes confrontation.  If we are wise, we know the confrontation is more for the benefit of ourselves than for our opposition.  They know their mission is that of the father that sent them which is to kill, steal and destroy (John 10:10: King James Version). Their target is that which is newly birthed inside of us. With our new zeal and renewed understanding of purpose we have a decision to make.

Those White House Staffers this week understand what was really important.  It wasn’t barricading the doors of the Capitol that were being breached, it wasn’t securing the House floor…it wasn’t calling the Capitol Police.  The true treasure that had to be protected was the Electoral Ballot Boxes that confirmed the future of our Nation.  That’s what was truly important that day and under attack.  Its not that human life should be expendable, but purpose transcends to generations to come.

That which you’ve found, if you did the work, is precious.  If higher ground must be sought to protect it-seek higher ground.  Your true treasure is an understanding of purpose, which is priceless.  “The two most important days in your life are the day you are born…and the day you find out why”-Mark Twain.  Activate and then guard that which you’ve learned of your purpose.  It is your contribution to the overall good of the globe.  For it is God who commanded light to shine out of darkness, who has shone in our hearts…(II Cor. 4:6: New King James Version).

God Bless!

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